1.   The President announced his resignation, sparking a crisis in the government.

2.   The crisis was sparked by the publication in June of a biography of the Princess, alleging her unhappy marriage had driven her to attempt suicide.

3.   Investors -- who pulled the money from the country to spark the crisis -- are taking another look at what Mexico has accomplished over the past two years.

4.   That in turn could spark currency crises in other Latin America countries.

5.   The current crisis was sparked by a get-rich pyramid scheme that went bust in January and which government officials did nothing to prevent.

6.   The crisis was sparked yesterday when army commanding officer General Lino Oviedo rejected a presidential decree forcing him into retirement.

7.   The military, however, may have sparked the crisis itself by increasingly prosecuting adultery as a crime.

8.   To the immediate issue, the symbol which sparked the crisis, Netanyahu has vowed he will not close the Old City tunnel as Palestinian leaders have demanded.

9.   We can all relate to what sparked the crisis.

10.   A new crisis was sparked Monday, when Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit stormed out of a meeting with President Ahmet Necdet Sezer.

v. + crisis >>共 360
resolve 11.40%
end 9.64%
discuss 6.92%
defuse 6.62%
solve 4.68%
face 3.44%
handle 2.96%
ease 2.64%
cause 1.94%
create 1.87%
spark 1.17%
spark + n. >>共 725
protest 6.79%
concern 4.07%
fear 3.57%
debate 3.33%
outrage 2.77%
interest 2.68%
riot 2.44%
speculation 2.41%
controversy 2.39%
violence 2.35%
crisis 0.81%
每页显示:    共 47